Best Washington Hike in the Fall

Last year I jumped on the “Hike in the North Cascades during Larch Madness” train and my mind was blown. I had just bought my DSLR and was so excited to use it on a hike with beautiful exploding fall colors. I recall it lightly snowing but that just added to the majestic setting. I fell in love with the hike and knew I had to return this year.

Cameron, Korben and I drove 3 hours north on a Saturday morning. The car was packed with snacks and podcasts downloaded. Highway 20 this time of year is mesmerizing in of itself, if you’re just looking for a drive to see the fall colors. When we arrived at the trail head, there were cars lining the highway but we found a spot in the designated parking lot.

Maple Pass is a loop trail, meaning you can start at either side. We went the clockwise direction, or the more “unpopular” direction on the hike but it was almost more favorable so then we didn’t have people constantly in front or behind us. The colors were just as mesmerizing as I remembered and even got better weather this year! It was really fun to do the hike again and take photos of similar spots but through a different perspective. I think this trail will be a yearly tradition for me!