Summer Backpacking in Washington State

BLOG. It's been a minute.... Where have I been you might ask? Well, I stopped blogging in the Spring after our Arizona/Utah trip (which, I still need to edit photos from ha), and then summer hit and I spent my Monday-Friday at work and my Saturday-Sunday outside, camping, hiking and backpacking with good friends. It's been a super fun, crazy, busy summer and I've been photographing it the whole way!

Before I jump into the photo content from this past season, I will say that my desire to document and take photos ebbed and flowed a lot this summer. I'm so new to this photography thing and trying to figure it all out carrying a 35lb. pack with a bulky camera (do I wear it around my neck or just put away and hustle up the mountain?), learning which lenses to take with me and when to use them, chasing light, shooting in harsh sunlight, photo vs video, and the list goes on.

Maybe it's just the turn of the season from summer to fall and the looming notion that I'll be spending more time indoors as the weather turns to grey and rain, but I've recently felt this huge surge of inspiration and vision for where I want my photography to grow. Pushing myself to carry a camera wherever I go and capture the small moments and details and not just the big stuff. This past week, I updated my entire website (do you like?), created and posted my portfolio, re-edited hundreds of pictures from this past year and started mapping out my travels for the fall. Fall is by far my favorite season and it always feels so fleeting, so I really want to make the most of it. But before it arrives, I wanted to post my favorite photos and memories from my summer adventures. Enjoy!